Community Science and Monitoring Projects

There are many Sanctuary environmental research and monitoring projects that can use the help of interested volunteers, to ensure that we are doing the best we can with knowing what is going on and taking care of our local environment. Volunteers receive training in project procedures to ensure consistency and accuracy in observations and data collection.

Volunteers can participate in many of the Sanctuary’s ongoing projects depending on their own interests, including:

  • MDI Loon Monitoring Project
  • Somes Pond-Long Pond river herring passage and population monitoring project
  • Long Pond Courtesy Boat Inspection Program
  • Somes Pond water quality monitoring
  • Biological inventories
  • Invasive forest insect monitoring
  • Mosquito species survey collections

Join us in our efforts to better understand and manage our watershed and beyond by helping conduct environmental research and monitoring on Mount Desert Island! Email somesmeynell@gmail for more information.